
Church Online

Sundays | 9AM + 11:15AM (MST)

Join us for an online church experience. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and get reminders for upcoming services. If you missed the live stream, you can always catch up on demand on YouTube.


Create an environment of worship + connection.

We want to make it easy for you to create an environment of worship wherever you are…


your at-home worship experience

✓ Clear out distractions
Remove any barriers to worship and learning. Include the kids and turn up the volume! Worship is for everyone.

✓ Practice hospitality
Make sure you spend time together as a family or with those you live with before and after the service.

✓ Set the tone
Be the leader in your home. Help everyone stay focused on the service and be ready afterwards to answer questions.

include a response time

Spend time praying for one another; your family and friends.

Whenever we as a church participate in a Communion service, prepare your own bread and juice at home. We can all remember the sacrifice of Christ.

Practice generosity from home. Your generosity is changing lives.



Your generosity allows us to continue investing into life-changing, Kingdom-building opportunities. Together, let’s make a bigger impact in our local community and the world.

You can text a dollar amount to 84321, mail a cheque, or give online.
